Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Beautiful skin

My skin is nowhere near perfect. I have some acne, scars, and other fun stuff but it is healthy! It's soft and has a glow to it! I want to share my favorite beauty secrets that most definitely work! 

Tip 1. Lots and lots of water
Tip 2. Hands off! Don't touch your skin or mash it! 
Tip 3. Lay off the sugar and white carbs. I don't consume any processed sugar and barely any wheat, it is easier than you think. 
Tip 4. Exfoliate. I'm not just talking about face skin. Legs. Back. Chest. But. 
Tip 5. Lotion
Tip 6. Don't go to bed or long periods without washing off makeup or sweat.

So those are my tips now on to my favorite products. 

For acne:
For acne and scars and overall healing:
Yes that's an aloe Vera plant. The juice is miraculous. 

Finally, lotion for everywhere. Face and body: 

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