Monday, July 8, 2013

Squash and onion with red beans

2 medium yellow squash
1 small sweet onion 
1 tbs italian seasoning
1 tsp garlic powder
Salt and pepper to taste
Kidney beans, drained and rinsed.  

Sautéed squash and onion till soft and onions translucent, you might need to add a little water to pan if not using vegan butter or olive oil. Add seasonings and then at last minute at 1/2 cup red kidney beans. Serves 2 or 1 really hungry person. 


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer tempeh bowl

1/2 bar tempeh browned in pan. 
5 baby carrots. Chopped. 
1 handful of kale
1/4 cup sliced tomatoes
1/2 red cabbage. Sliced. 

Mix together. 


1 tbs peanut or almond butter
1 tsp agave
A dash of ginger powder
1-2 tbs liquid aminos or soy sauce 
1-2 tbs rice vinegar 

Mix together and then combine with salad bowl. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Cheesy millet with cilantro pea pesto and red pepper

1 cup of cooked millet
1/4 cup pea pesto 
2 tbs nutritional yeast
1/2 red pepper
Salt and pepper to taste

Pea pesto:

1/2 thawed frozen peas or fresh
4 sprigs fresh cilantro
Salt and garlic powder to taste
--blend and add water if necessary. 

Add all ingredients into a bowl and stir. 
You can also use vegan cheese instead of NY. It will need salt and pepper. Add cayenne if you like spicy foods and a little more garlic powder if you like. It you think cilantro tastes like soap then omit and use parsley or another leafy herb. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Beautiful skin

My skin is nowhere near perfect. I have some acne, scars, and other fun stuff but it is healthy! It's soft and has a glow to it! I want to share my favorite beauty secrets that most definitely work! 

Tip 1. Lots and lots of water
Tip 2. Hands off! Don't touch your skin or mash it! 
Tip 3. Lay off the sugar and white carbs. I don't consume any processed sugar and barely any wheat, it is easier than you think. 
Tip 4. Exfoliate. I'm not just talking about face skin. Legs. Back. Chest. But. 
Tip 5. Lotion
Tip 6. Don't go to bed or long periods without washing off makeup or sweat.

So those are my tips now on to my favorite products. 

For acne:
For acne and scars and overall healing:
Yes that's an aloe Vera plant. The juice is miraculous. 

Finally, lotion for everywhere. Face and body: 

Spicy garlic hummus

1 can of garbanzo beans
Juice of 1 small lime
2 tbs tahini
1/4-1/2 tsp salt, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, cumin, and smoked paprika. 

Blend in food processor. Add a little bean liquid if to thick. 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Salad time.

When someone says vegetables don't contain any protein I really want to punch them, in a nice way of course. THEY DO! A head of romaine lettuce has about 8 grams. Not only that but greens have iron, vitamin c, and other green goodness. I, for one, really like the taste of lettuce whereas some people might gag. I have a solution. Nutritious dressings. How?? 

My favorite is an agave peanut dressing. 

1 Tbs peanut butter or almond 
1 tsp raw agave
1-2 tbs braggs liquid aminos 
1-3 tbs rice vinegar 
Pinch of ginger powder

Mix everything together and have the consistency runny like but not watery. 

I hate dressings with artificial crap so this is an alternative. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Ice cream-but you're vegan!

Yes. I eat ice cream. Maybe not the sugar and heavy cream kind but nonetheless, creamy. 

The star of the show...coconuts! 
You're nuts, right? Right but wrong. 

It's amazing. 

1 can of full fat coconut cream
1 banana
3 tbs cocoa powder 
3-4 tbs raw agave 

Blend and then pour into an icecream churn or into a semi deep dish to proceed with freezing. 

Variations can include more or less sweetener, different fruit, peanut butter, vanilla instead of chocolate, or any other crazy combo. Go on, try it!